looking for a pub manager

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The Hope & Anchor is looking for a Pub Manager. The Hope and Anchor Hotel is Australia's oldest continuously licensed pub located on Hobart's historic waterfront in the CBD. A full restoration of this landmark site is being performed by the local owner restoring the venue to its original glory.
Locals and tourists are treated to good quality? Tasmanian pub meals and drinks amongst the open fires and historic charm of the old building. The large area upstairs is becoming a popular choice for many functions.
The position of manager will be responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations and reporting directly to the owner. This includes rostering staff, to organizing functions and more. To apply please send your application to [info@hopeandanchorhotel.com.au](mailto:info@hopeandanchorhotel.com.au) and include the following:
1. Your resume showing relevant experience and skills
2. Where you are currently living
3. When are you available for the role
4. A list of references
We look forward to hearing from you.
Hobart, Tasmania
Manufacturing and Operations

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